
This project list does not include robots or decorative projects.

ASCEND (2020-2023)

My work on nutrient detection/measurement.


Bittle Suite (2022)

A game loosely based on Wordle/Letterle.

Play Now!Code on Github

Dayakattai (2023)

Design & print of a modular/modernized Dayakattai board. Dayakattai is a traditional boardgame, and this board matches the version my family has passed down for many generations.

Tiltris (2024)

Tetris, but with a handheld remote which the player can tilt.

Code on Github. Demos

Boxing Gym (2024)

Benchmarking platform for reasoning LLMs, leveraging concept discovery & optimal experiment design (with Stanford Computation and Cognition "CoCo" Lab).

Code on Github

Blimpdrones (2024)

Cost-effective drones for CS Education (with Stanford Pedagogy in CS "PinCS" Lab).
