

English (fluent) 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲
Spanish (advanced, Oregon Seal of Biliteracy with STAMP exam pass) 🌲 🌲
Tamil (intermediate) 🌲
Others I'm trying to learn include: Greek, ASL, Morse code (debatably not a human language)


Java, C++, C, python, HTML, javascript, CSS
If I'm feeling bold or silly enough, I may name my variable repid or shot. Like, "int repid;". (intrepid. Get it? Maybe that joke was a "long shot").

Quote Selection

“There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” ~Douglas Adams

"It is now known that mathematics is in fact a narrow sub-domain of ichthyology, because if you take 1 fish and put it next to another fish, you have 2 fish. Add another, that’s 3 fish." ~ Zach Weinersmith

"The case stands like this. I was told a story—an improbable, but not an impossible story." ~ Agatha Christie

"A dream doesn't need to be unachievable." ~ Me